
A written claim for compensation completed by a Claimant, using the Claim Form approved by and provided by the Administrator, as set forth in Schedule 2 of the Scheme’s Protocol, which must be accompanied by all Supporting Evidence.


The Covid-19 Vaccine Facility No-Fault Compensation Scheme, established to provide fair compensation to eligible vaccine recipients who suffer a Serious Adverse Event related to a COVID-19 vaccination that has been either:

  • procured and/or delivered by UNICEF on a Participating Country’s behalf;
  • donated to a Participating Country through UNICEF; or
  • formally included into the Scheme (but otherwise procured and/or delivered but not by or through UNICEF),

as detailed in the Scheme Protocol and its Schedules.


Serious bodily injury or illness suffered or sustained by a Patient that:

  1. requires Hospitalisation or prolongs an existing Hospitalisation; and
  2. results in permanent total or partial Impairment; or
  3. is a congenital birth injury or illness in an unborn or new-born child of a woman who received a Vaccine and results in permanent total or partial Impairment; or
  4. results in death.
Notary Official

A notary public or other public official legally authorised to provide notarisation, and/or legalisation services within the country in which the Claimant resides.

Registered Healthcare Professional

Any healthcare professional, including physicians, surgeons, nurses, midwives, nurse practitioners, physicians’ assistants, psychiatrists, psychiatrists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, dentists, and pharmacists, who is duly licensed or legally authorised to practice the profession in the country in which the Patient resides and received the Vaccine, or in the case of birth defects, where the Patient’s mother resides and received the Vaccine.


A COVID-19 vaccine received in any Participating Country that is either: (i) procured and/or delivered by UNICEF on a Participating Country's behalf; (ii) donated to a Participating Country through UNICEF; or (iii) formally included into the Scheme (but otherwise procured and/or delivered but not by or through UNICEF), that:

  1. either (A) has licensure or authorisation from a stringent (“functional”) regulatory authority or (B) has received WHO prequalification, following licensure or authorisation from a stringent (“functional”) regulatory authority, or (C) has been issued authorisation for emergency use based on licensure or authorisation by a stringent (“functional”) regulatory authority; and
  2. is included in Schedule 1 of the Scheme’s Protocol, as updated from time to time; and
  3. has received all required approvals and authorisations for importation, distribution and use in the relevant country; and
  4. has not reached its Scope of Coverage Endpoint.

An international inter-governmental organisation established by the General Assembly of the United Nations by resolution No. 57(1) of 11 December 1946 as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations.

Participating Country

Any country participating in the Scheme as listed in Schedule 9 of the Scheme’s Protocol (as may be updated from time to time).


A significant deviation, loss, or loss of use of any body structure or body function in an individual with a health condition, disorder, or disease.

The evaluation of an Impairment as provided in the Scheme's Protocol will be based upon the most recently published edition of the American Medical Association’s Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (AMA’s Guides). Impairment percentages or ratings contained in the AMA’s Guides have been developed by medical specialists and are consensus-derived estimates that reflect the severity of the medical condition and the degree to which the Impairment decreases an individual’s ability to perform common activities of daily living.

The Impairment rating is a percentage that represents the extent of a whole person impairment of an individual, based on the organ or body function affected by an Injury (as defined in the Scheme's Protocol).


A beneficiary of a Vaccine (i) procured and/or delivered by UNICEF on a Participating Country’s behalf; (ii) donated to a Participating Country through UNICEF; or (iii) formally included into the Scheme (but otherwise procured and/or delivered but not by or through UNICEF) who claims or in respect of whom it is claimed that he or she has suffered or sustained a Serious Adverse Event which is associated with a Vaccine or its administration, and which, in turn, has resulted in an Injury.

Supporting Evidence

The supporting evidence, using the form in Schedule 3 of the Scheme’s Protocol, required to evaluate a Claim and that shall include:

  1. detailed medical documentation from a Registered Healthcare Professional describing the Injury and medical treatment required as a result of the Injury, together with details of any Hospitalisation or prolonged Hospitalisation, including but not limited to admission and discharge records;
  2. a description of the nature, extent, functional impact and prognosis of the Injury, as assessed by the Registered Healthcare Professional.
  3. a statement from the Registered Healthcare Professional that the Injury was, in the Registered Healthcare Professional’s opinion, the result of the Vaccine or its administration;
  4. certification from a Registered Healthcare Professional of when, where and which Vaccine was administered;
  5. in the case of death, a death certificate and any other documentation available from a Registered Healthcare Professional of the cause and manner of death; and
  6. any further evidence that the Administrator may deem necessary to adjudicate the Claim and/or Receivable Claim, as applicable, guided, as appropriate, by the Scientific Advisory Committee, the Review Panel, and/or the Appeals Panel.

ESIS, Inc., the claims Administrator appointed to manage and administer the Program, including, but not limited to, the receipt and registration of Applications, distributing acknowledgements of receipt of Applications, setting financial reserves for Receivable Claims, review of Applications, Supporting Evidence, and other documents to assess receivability, assessing Receivable Claims, and approve or deny, as the case may be, Payment for compensation, in accordance with the terms of the Program's Protocol.

Serious Adverse Event

A serious untoward medical occurrence that (i) is sustained or suffered by a Patient following the administration of a Vaccine, and (ii) results in an Injury, as evidenced by the supporting evidence, using the form in Schedule 3 of the Scheme’s Protocol, required to evaluate a Claim and that shall include:


Any individual, who meets all of the following requirements:

  1. is a Patient who was administered a Vaccine (or in the event the Patient has died, is a child, or is disabled or otherwise lacks the legal capacity to submit a Claim for himself or herself, is an individual who is a duly authorised heir (in the case of death), parent, legal guardian or other legal representative of the Patient); and
  2. is, or is duly authorised to represent, a Patient who has sustained an Injury which, in the opinion of a Registered Healthcare Professional, is deemed to have resulted from a Vaccine or its administration; and
  3. the Vaccine was administered before its Scope of Coverage Endpoint (as indicated in Schedule 1 of the Scheme’s Protocol); and
  4. has submitted a Claim for compensation, using the prescribed form in Schedule 2 of the Scheme’s Protocol, together with all Supporting Evidence, using the prescribed form in Schedule 3 of the Scheme’s Protocol to the Administrator, following the procedures described in the Scheme’s Protocol, and provided that this Claim is submitted: (a) in full observance of the waiting period of 30 days referred to in Section 1(c) and in Schedules 2 and 3 of the Scheme’s Protocol; (b) before the end of the Reporting Period; and (c) otherwise within the time limits set forth in Section 4 of the Scheme’s Protocol; and
  5.  has not received any prior payment from any other public source, including from any governmental or publically funded no-fault compensation scheme, as compensation for the Injury; and
  6. is not eligible to receive compensation from any other source for the Injury, or if eligible for such compensation, discloses the nature and full extent of such eligibility; and
  7. has no pending lawsuits or claims for compensation for the Injury; and
  8. agrees not to seek or make any claims for compensation from any other public source, including from any governmental or publically funded no-fault compensation scheme, for the Injury for as long as the Claim, and/or Receivable Claim, as applicable, is pending with the Scheme; and
  9. is not and does not represent a Patient in respect of whom the Administrator is by any applicable sanctions regime, including any UN Security Council sanctions regime, precluded from accepting a Claim and/or paying compensation under the Scheme.

A public or private institution which: (1) is licensed or otherwise formally recognised as a hospital, clinic or other healthcare facility by the government of the relevant country where it is located; (2) provides 24-hour medical, surgical and/or nursing care or treatment under the supervision of licensed physicians, surgeons, nurses and/or other healthcare professionals; and (3) has the capacity to provide room and board to patients resident overnight.

Review Panel

A panel appointed by the Administrator comprised of 5 duly licensed nurses, selected from a roster of 11 such nurses, who will review all Receivable Claims submitted by Claimants and determine – in accordance with the terms of the Scheme’s Protocol – whether Payment for compensation should be approved or denied.

Appeals Panel

A three-member panel that:

  • Is comprised of 2 duly licensed physicians and 1 duly licensed nurse, who shall be appointed by the Administrator from a roster of 6 such physicians and nurses and
  • Will review all Notices of Appeal of Denied Receivable Claims filed by Claimants and determine – in accordance with the terms of the Program's Protocol — whether the Review Panel’s denial of the relevant Receivable Claim should be upheld or reversed.
Applicable Law

All civil codes, statutes, legislation, regulations, rules, by-laws, instruments, rules of common law, judgments, decrees or orders of any governmental, administrative, supervisory, regulatory or determinative authority, agency, court or other organisation of any jurisdiction, in each case adopted, enacted, implemented, promulgated, issued, entered or deemed applicable by or under the authority of any governmental body having jurisdiction over a specified person or any of such person’s properties or assets from time to time.

Personal Data

Any data that contains one or more identifiers from which the identity of the person can be determined or accessed directly or indirectly such as (but not limited to) their full name, national identification number, social insurance or social security number, passport number, driver’s license, or other government-issued identification number, credit card, debit card or financial account information, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, medical information or health insurance information, biometric records, digital signature files, account login information (such as a combination of user ID or email address when combined with password or other information that would give access to an account), and any other data that is protected by Privacy Laws.


The no fault, lump-sum payment which in respect of a Receivable Claim (i) has been approved by the Review Panel or the Appeals Panel, as applicable, (ii) is calculated utilising the mechanism detailed in Section 9 of the Scheme's Protocol, and (iii) is to be paid (subject to and in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Scheme's  Protocol and its Schedules) to a Claimant in full and final settlement and compensation of all claims arising from or relating to the Injury.