Questions can be sent to the Administrator by regular mail.

Any mail should be addressed to Todd DeStefano, Senior Vice President of Claims, and, ESIS Managing Counsel at the address below.

ESIS Headquarters

ESIS, Inc.
New Claims Reporting
436 Walnut Avenue
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
United States of America

Scheme’s Regional Centres

Regional Centre Contact Information Participating Countries Serviced by the Regional Centre
Broadspire by Crawford & Company
GPO Box 1016
Brisbane QLD 4004
FijiKiribatiNauruPapua New GuineaSamoaSolomon IslandsTongaTuvaluVanuatu
8 Shenton Way
#03-01 AXA Tower
Singapore 068811
CambodiaIndonesiaLao People’s Democratic RepublicMalaysiaMyanmarPhilippinesThailandTimor-LesteVietnam

ESIS, Inc., the claims Administrator appointed to manage and administer the Program, including, but not limited to, the receipt and registration of Applications, distributing acknowledgements of receipt of Applications, setting financial reserves for Receivable Claims, review of Applications, Supporting Evidence, and other documents to assess receivability, assessing Receivable Claims, and approve or deny, as the case may be, Payment for compensation, in accordance with the terms of the Program's Protocol.


A written claim for compensation completed by a Claimant, using the Claim Form approved by and provided by the Administrator, as set forth in Schedule 2 of the Scheme’s Protocol, which must be accompanied by all Supporting Evidence.

Participating Country

Any country participating in the Scheme as listed in Schedule 9 of the Scheme’s Protocol (as may be updated from time to time).