Here you can find answers to questions you have about:

  • the Scheme.
  • the Claim Form.
  • Supporting Evidence Form, or any other Scheme forms.
  • submitting any Scheme forms.

If your questions are not answered by information provided here, you can Contact Us.

How to submit a Claim

Information on how to submit a Claim, including how to download and print a Claim Form is provided here.

How to submit additional documents

Information on how to submit an additional documents, including the Supporting Evidence Form.

How to submit appeals

Information on how to submit an appeal of a rejected or denied claim.


The Covid-19 Vaccine Facility No-Fault Compensation Scheme, established to provide fair compensation to eligible vaccine recipients who suffer a Serious Adverse Event related to a COVID-19 vaccination that has been either:

  • procured and/or delivered by UNICEF on a Participating Country’s behalf;
  • donated to a Participating Country through UNICEF; or
  • formally included into the Scheme (but otherwise procured and/or delivered but not by or through UNICEF),

as detailed in the Scheme Protocol and its Schedules.


A written claim for compensation completed by a Claimant, using the Claim Form approved by and provided by the Administrator, as set forth in Schedule 2 of the Scheme’s Protocol, which must be accompanied by all Supporting Evidence.

Supporting Evidence

The supporting evidence, using the form in Schedule 3 of the Scheme’s Protocol, required to evaluate a Claim and that shall include:

  1. detailed medical documentation from a Registered Healthcare Professional describing the Injury and medical treatment required as a result of the Injury, together with details of any Hospitalisation or prolonged Hospitalisation, including but not limited to admission and discharge records;
  2. a description of the nature, extent, functional impact and prognosis of the Injury, as assessed by the Registered Healthcare Professional.
  3. a statement from the Registered Healthcare Professional that the Injury was, in the Registered Healthcare Professional’s opinion, the result of the Vaccine or its administration;
  4. certification from a Registered Healthcare Professional of when, where and which Vaccine was administered;
  5. in the case of death, a death certificate and any other documentation available from a Registered Healthcare Professional of the cause and manner of death; and
  6. any further evidence that the Administrator may deem necessary to adjudicate the Claim and/or Receivable Claim, as applicable, guided, as appropriate, by the Scientific Advisory Committee, the Review Panel, and/or the Appeals Panel.